Thursday, August 31, 2006

How babies are made

This item from Boing Boing peaked my interest. It's an educational book, written in german, intended to educate young children about the birds and the bees. The illustrations are a hoot (although mildly graphic in a cartoony educational way).

Despite not being able to read German, this book explains the subject very clearly.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Breast feeding

Everyone will be glad to know that I'm now fully informed as to how to breastfeed baby, including various holds, how to have the baby latch properly, and how to ensure the precious hind-milk is provided. Well, at least I've read about it. I'm sure reality will be equally interesting.

In a life in pursuit of knowledge I must admit I never thought I'd learn this.

The book also said that to encourage my bond with baby that I should provide supplemental (bottle) feedings while bare chested with baby in a breastfeeding position. Hmmmm. Seems a bit -- well, let's just say it -- strange.

As we enter the second trimester things are starting to calm down. Tam is less sick, and more able to function normally. She's back to her old self in many ways. We're hoping it stays like that for a bit. Her sleeping is affected quite a bit though.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Baby Anthony weeks I am!

Good evening all, it has been some time since my last post, however mom thought it would be smart if I did one tonight! Today we baked banana bread and chocolate chip cookies! Mom's going to send some to my cousin. She's just waiting for them to cool before she wraps them up! She hopes she can find some paper! We are also going to send our blog to Amanda so we can bring her up to speed on my dealings! I hope she loves what we send and that it gets there soon :) Remember AJ if you have to start from the last page to go in order! Aunt Shirley says you are going to be doing some partying next week as its your first week out! Becareful and have lots of fun, and don't forget if you ever need to visit family Ottawa's not too far away! :)
Love you!

Baby Anthony and your aunt Tammy :)

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Baby Anthony

hello everyone,

Mommy and Daddy have still not sold there place and its been on the market for a whole 3 weeks.... Three weeks, comeon, some one buy it or Mom's going to change her mind and make me live in the closet or worse a dresser drawer. My mommy's been feeling better she's just mostly tired with some belly pain's. No running for the bathroom all day long! I heard them talking and they don't know what to call me, what's wrong with baby? I like it. I heard mom say Scotia to go with Nova, but I can tell she's just doing that to get Dad going, I mean who wants to be named to match a dog. (sorry.... furry child) I have been causing mom to have weird dreams, and I have been making her dream that I am going to be a boy..... I know what I am right now, I am just choosing not to let anyone know yet, maybe when I have my next picture. Mom was so tired last night, but I think that makes dad happy it leaves him lots of time to play video games evening to night. I'm sure he's also making educational post to his work blog. Well Dad made mom an excellent supper tonight fahita's with no onions, peppers, sour cream or wraps - just the way mom wanted it tonight :) Mom's still finding that she can not eat very much. Well I must go, see what my furry brother is up to.


Saturday, August 19, 2006

Why does Dad make the sleeping noise

Baby Anthony

OH my mom's up, therefore I'm up.... I wish we could go back to sleep however dad's a sleep and making lots of noise. Even Nova has left the bedroom! My mom tried to get Dad to stop but she has given up. He's making lots of noise so he must be in lots of sleep. Not much new, I don't think I will make mom feel to bad today, I think we have come to an understanding. Besides I am getting older and I'm growing up a little, I realize I really don't want to make mommy not feel well, she has to be feeling well to take me on walks and to the pool, to see other furry children at some pit park for nova to play with. AND SHE HAS TO BE ABLE TO TAKE ME TO PLAY WITH OTHER NON FURRY CHILDREN, so I'm going to cut her some slack starting now. Who knows when I want out of my little bubble I'm in now, I may have to get f0rcefull again.

Friday, August 18, 2006

I posted today however it went to Star's blog

If you are interested in todays post please click here

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

My 12 week 3 day photos

Tam and I went for the first (official) prenatal exam today. This is the 12 week exam where you usually get the first ultrasound, some blood work and a consultation with the doctor.

I expected to see the baby, the head and body and limbs... but I wasn't expecting it to move so much. It was very active, and kicking his (we've taken to calling it him... but that's just due to a lack of appropriate pronoun) legs, arms, turning over and generally thrashing about. It's about the size of a softball (6.somthing centimeters from crown to rump) and the hearbeat is about 170 beats/minute I think I heard.

The full results of the tests will be weeks coming, but based on the activity, there's something going on in there. It was rolling around, and the lady doing the ultrasound was poking and prodding it trying to get it to turn the right way to make a measurement. It's aware of it's surroundings (at least when it gets nudged or when mom coughs or laughs).

In this first image I think (it was much clearer on the monitor) we're seeing the head (notice what look like teeth) on the left. This was a little confusing later, because I think the lady turned the device around and everything turned the other way in the subsequent photos. We at first thought the baby had turned around completely, and I was rather impressed by these gymnastics. Not so though...
In this second photo I can see (again... I think) things more clearly. To the right is the baby's head, with possibly the little hand just above (it kept moving around quite a bit... and we think it may have been sucking its thumb). In the middle is the body... as you'd expect. And to the left are the babys knees (the particularly white spots) and legs.

It was really thrasing about and kicking it's legs and giving us little waves.
In this final photo you get the best view of, what I've decided to consider, the baby's face.... and possibly a hand and arm with fingers. This, of course, could completely be my imagination. Look in the lower right. It's definately the head... but can you see an eye? The hand and arm are definate... it was moving it around and waving alot. Possible thumb sucking here...

Tam's worried that it doesn't have enough space in there... but I'm sure it knows what it's doing. It's little coocoon of fluid looks pretty relaxing to me.

So that's it. It seems all is well. We had a nice chat with a kindly old doctor after the traditional blood lettings. He did his best to answer our questions, and reassure us that everything seems ok, and that the various pains and pressure are all normal parts of this experience. Posted by Picasa

First T-shirt

The baby recieved it's first T-shirt today from Nanny and Poppy Anthony and Aunt Vicki. The baby has received other gifts from Auntie Sharron (a polar bear from Alert) but it was packed away so quickly due to the moving/packing/cleaning, that we didn't get a chance to get a photo.

We really like them both, and think they're cute. Posted by Picasa

Monday, August 14, 2006

I am going for my Check up

To all the grandma's and grandpa's, aunts and uncles who read this or have it read to them. Tomorrow I go to see how I am doing. Mommy gets to be at the doctor's for over 1 hour. I get a picture and mom has to get blood tests and then Mom Dad and I go talk to the doctor. Finally I get to leave that furry love stealer behind, he will have to say home alone. Well that's what he does everyday, however what he does not know is that we will all meet secretly without him knowing and having a family appointment. I can tell my mom's worried about her appointment. I have been trying to get her attention lately and making her belly sore. Oh mom, that's just me growing and growing and growing and growing. I have a lot of stuff in here that I have to move out of the way you know. Concentrate on that furry child that should be placed in a bubble...haha the bubble dog, my brother is a bubble dog. For anyone that does not know, my brother is allergic to many things, right now he is on steroids, benedryl, antibiotics and requires to be bathed with a medicated shampoo.... I say ATTENTION GRABBER, he knows I'm moving into town, he knows I will be stiff competition, I think he's worried and has broken out in to a ball of itchy. Which of course he bites and scratches for attention from Mom. Who just falls in to the plot. He's looking at you cute and helpless for a reason mom! He wants you to love him more them me, he wants to be number one, he wants to be the favorite. If you need proof of the attention hog he is, look he's looking right at the camera. He know's he's on film, he posed for this and you can not tell me different

Saturday, August 12, 2006

12 Weeks today

I am 12 weeks old, I'm growing so fast but not enough for mommy. I don't know why she's awake right now. Its o so early in the morning, the furry child barked to get out to pee at 3AM but Mom should be fast asleep again. Maybe she's just thinking about me, then again she could be feeling me, I have been making her a little uncomfortable lately. We are going to the doctor for a check up and a picture this week. Once that is over with mom will know for sure that I am doing fine and all those pains that I am putting her threw are normal! I'm getting really big, I'm growing and growing and growing. I have fingernails and I can pee to, but I don't wake her up to do it! :p to you NOVA, I will be the favorite for not waking her up. Mom was sad to find out that I can cry now, I can all so feel pain. Don't worry mom I know you wont hurt me.....Mom's crying now she doesn't want me to hurt.

We had to go out of the house yesterday, and I visited a place my dad will take me in several years. He cant wait, this place must me some good if he's already planning a trip there in 5 years. We are going to look at a new house tomorrow. Mom and Dad liked the area and think it would be a great place for me to grow up in. It may be too early to buy seeing how we do not have our beautiful loft sold. It's been shown so many times already! It was just up for showings last Sunday and already we had to leave the house several times for strangers to walk through our place.

Well I think I'm going to put my mom to bed and make her sleep way late! Nova you should do the same.


P.S - just put this pic in for color and so you can see our wonderful back yard

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Up Early -- Where's the Cartoons

11 weeks today - I'm getting older! Mom's hoping I don't grow up as fast as my cousin Amanda Jayne, who is all grown up and starting to work for DND tomorrow. She leaves on a plane early in the morning. Mom knows she will do well and hopes if she needs a break that she will come to Ottawa when she is allowed from boot camp!

Well Mom's sad, grandma and aunt Shirley have just left.... They were trying to sneak out in the middle of the night, like little elves. The house looks fabulous, Shirley and Grandma did so much work. INfact so much that I don't think mom really wants to sell anymore. We live in a wonderful neighborhood for the furry one and there is a school next door that I could go to. Oh mommy think about this, I don't want to live in a closet!

There are going to be strangers walk through our place tomorrow..... They are going to be dazzled. It looks so good!

Oh by the way, I'm the size of a soft ball. DON'T throw me around though! Mom can not feel me yet. But the illness that I have caused certainly feels like a softball in the stomach :)

Well that's all for now, mom either has to start to clean or sleep its all most 6am

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

The Furry one

Today, I attempted with all my might to stay home with the furry one who is on little pink pills now. I halted mom's trip to work, with extra special gusto this morning! She new something was up when she woke up, but it took me awhile to place my plan into action. I got to spend some extra time at home, and also got to drive to work. My plans are not all that bad

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Happy Birthday

Well, I have all my fingers but I just can't use them yet to send a card :( I was trying to tell mommy to do it, unfortunately she did not understand that me making her ill was to get her attention. Maybe I should vary my approaches to things. I have learned my first lesson, doing one thing will not get you everything you want. Now I shall have to think of something else do to get her attention! While I think on that, Happy Birthday to my Aunt!!!! Aunt Vicki that is, I have so many Aunts, but only one Aunt Vicki!

I have been pretty good to mom lately she is getting use to everything I do! Yet another reason I should think of something else to do.

Well must go, mommy is being summoned by daddy
