My 12 week 3 day photos
Tam and I went for the first (official) prenatal exam today. This is the 12 week exam where you usually get the first ultrasound, some blood work and a consultation with the doctor.
I expected to see the baby, the head and body and limbs... but I wasn't expecting it to move so much. It was very active, and kicking his (we've taken to calling it him... but that's just due to a lack of appropriate pronoun) legs, arms, turning over and generally thrashing about. It's about the size of a softball (6.somthing centimeters from crown to rump) and the hearbeat is about 170 beats/minute I think I heard.
The full results of the tests will be weeks coming, but based on the activity, there's something going on in there. It was rolling around, and the lady doing the ultrasound was poking and prodding it trying to get it to turn the right way to make a measurement. It's aware of it's surroundings (at least when it gets nudged or when mom coughs or laughs).

It was really thrasing about and kicking it's legs and giving us little waves.

Tam's worried that it doesn't have enough space in there... but I'm sure it knows what it's doing. It's little coocoon of fluid looks pretty relaxing to me.
So that's it. It seems all is well. We had a nice chat with a kindly old doctor after the traditional blood lettings. He did his best to answer our questions, and reassure us that everything seems ok, and that the various pains and pressure are all normal parts of this experience.

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