Monday, August 14, 2006

I am going for my Check up

To all the grandma's and grandpa's, aunts and uncles who read this or have it read to them. Tomorrow I go to see how I am doing. Mommy gets to be at the doctor's for over 1 hour. I get a picture and mom has to get blood tests and then Mom Dad and I go talk to the doctor. Finally I get to leave that furry love stealer behind, he will have to say home alone. Well that's what he does everyday, however what he does not know is that we will all meet secretly without him knowing and having a family appointment. I can tell my mom's worried about her appointment. I have been trying to get her attention lately and making her belly sore. Oh mom, that's just me growing and growing and growing and growing. I have a lot of stuff in here that I have to move out of the way you know. Concentrate on that furry child that should be placed in a bubble...haha the bubble dog, my brother is a bubble dog. For anyone that does not know, my brother is allergic to many things, right now he is on steroids, benedryl, antibiotics and requires to be bathed with a medicated shampoo.... I say ATTENTION GRABBER, he knows I'm moving into town, he knows I will be stiff competition, I think he's worried and has broken out in to a ball of itchy. Which of course he bites and scratches for attention from Mom. Who just falls in to the plot. He's looking at you cute and helpless for a reason mom! He wants you to love him more them me, he wants to be number one, he wants to be the favorite. If you need proof of the attention hog he is, look he's looking right at the camera. He know's he's on film, he posed for this and you can not tell me different


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