Monday, April 23, 2007
Who's buda?
So mom was laughing today, she was calling me little buda? why, I don't know why....It has been a few days from my last post. I decided to give mom a little break and now I am in my swing (with the laptop of course, how else could i make this post from the swing)
The furry one learned a hard lesson today, he has no choice but to walk beside my stroller, if he does not, he gets run over... and my stroller has big wheels... so this is good. so mom's a tad bit scared to take me for drives now, she decided to get some food for Nova. We can walk there and back in about 15 min. I cried again, she just don't get it..... I was warm, but had no sun directly on me and was in a very light diaper shirt.. Mom and Dad are going to take me out together to see if they can understand me together!
please come back here for picture that will be posted soon!
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Any one want 2 guess?
Mom and I are going to go get weighed anyone want to guess what I will be? I was 12lb7oz two weeks ago....
Mom just don't get it
Had a ruff day today, mom did not understand me one bit.....
We left the furry one behind, and well i started to cry a little shortly after leaving the house.... but then I fell asleep...I woke to hear mom being told that there is no stroller access to the baby clothing sale because they don't want strollers down there... Well I never....
I know I'm young but who would be out at 11am on a week day at a baby clothing sale? Maybe mothers or Fathers that are on leave with their new born, or maybe men or women who have chosen to stay home with us little guys? But I am young and that was just a thought....
We left there and again mom just did not get me, she got 3 min down the road and had to pull over, take me out of my car seat.... I was warm to warm, she striped me right there in the car, thank god our back windows are tinted!!! I had some milk and mom changed me...... then we went to cost co to get some new sleepers as well, mom's calling me a weed....I don't know why
We found several pair of 9 month sleepers,,,,I'm getting tall.... so yes, mom's already buying 9 month sleepers... So I started to cry again, I wanted the rest of the milk that I started to eat in the car... Mom fed me right by the sleepers, and off to dream land I went.
I woke to find mom snapping my seat in the car....I started to cry again... mom drove off for about another 3 min, then pulled off and changed me, checked to see if i was too hot, then offered more milk.... oh i was so hungry today... I was burped and cuddled for some time in a parking lot in the back of mom's baby Mobil...
Back in the car seat I went, crying I started sang to me, pleaded with me, finally we made it home...
All this took place in less then 2.5 hours..... that was my day how was yours?
Saturday, April 14, 2007
sleeping missed hockey game!

So I woke up to find that I missed a game that included Ottawa...which is the next best team to cheer for as I live here in Ottawa! I hope to go to a hockey game someday! Maybe mom will hold out and take me to one and it can be our first hockey game together! Who knows! I just know that I will have to see at least one game.

So its happened mom has started to do "cute" things with how many people had there money on a puppy towel? Nope, I'm a frog, yes I'm a green amphibian, but only when i'm out of water. I have to say it is nice and warm and lots big for me. I will have room to grow in this frog suit.
I would also like to show off my outfit mom found that fit me in my closet!

Thursday, April 12, 2007
Moving to Ottawa
Did I mention that I will have an Aunt and Uncle in Ottawa soon? I'm very happy about that. We did not get pics when they were here to visit, good thing they will be back soon! :)
Storm Day!
Hi my followers....
Mom and I are having a storm day, Mom says I will love them and she will hate them when I go to school. It's not nice, its raining/snowing and chilly out. Mom said to me she thinks twice about going out just to go out on days like this since I arrived. I don't know why, I like to play in the snow too. Freezing rain, well i would like that too!
So mom decided to play dress up and she put some clothes on me, and she went shopping in the "it's too big drawer" as she had to move some things to the "it no longer fits container" Poor mom had a tear in her eye as she had to move the froggie/duckie sleepers that I had on when i came home from the hospital.
I'm not very sleepy to day and mom keeps putting me in the swing to knock me out then move me to a bed, but i wake up. I had my longest sleep yet! Dad put me to sleep at 7pm and I did not wake up until 1am. That is a record, however i was so hungry, so hungry! It was a good thing mom was up as i needed a snack before the bottle had time to warm.
not much other news. we will get a few pics up soon.
Sunday, April 08, 2007
So Sad, but hoppy at the same time
Goodevening, I was a little sad this morning. I watched the first period in my chair, then i snuggled in with mommy and well it was so cozy i fell asleep. I awoke the next morning to find the other team won. Well my uncle jim was saying bad things about what I had on, and he wanted my pamper to leak on them. HEHEHE, Nova fixed him...I found out Nova changed the channel with five min left and no one no one had to see poppy's team not win. Good boy furry one!
On a different note, today was easter and the bunny found me, even though I am only 1 month old. We had dinner with my aunt Rita, uncle Jim and my cousin Amanda Jayne.
I also was playing with my bunny :) today.
Friday, April 06, 2007
Did I miss it?

Hello everyone, I have not had time to post as i have been busy eating sleeping, and pooing..... I am now awake much more and this limits mom's cleaning time! Mom and I ventured to a baby wellness clinic, that I can go to for the next two months when ever I want.
They weighed me while Nova waited for us in the car...Their scale (with pamper and clothes) said that I weighed 12lb 7oz....I'm growing, but of course mom knew this as some of my clothes are getting too short for me.
Was there a hockey game last night, I was ready for it.... but i missed it.... Did our team win?
Well i must go now, i am going to have a nap on this Good Friday.... mmmmmm Fridays for sure are good!
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Good Morning Everyone!

Hey, its me.... not very sleepy today was up at 2, 4 and 6 am.... mom's not so keen on that schedule....But I think she's up for the day now.....she needs to wash my clothes and make my formula. Dad made it last night but I already had several of those bottles over the night/morning.
I would not burp for mom earlier and that's why I am up so much, my belly hurts and mom understands she looks sad when I cry...
Sharon and Bruce were here to visit me this weekend and pictures will be posted when I talk to dad, but he had to go back to work. Yesterday was my first day home with only mom and the furry one. He seems like he feels like he needs to protect Mom and I.... He is barking with every little noise.
Well I must go, I think i need to eat soon.... I want a bottle! yes I want a bottle, MOM I WANT A BOTTLE PLEASE.