Baby Anthony

I think I have decided on the bed I will be sleeping my child in for the next 18 years....... I say this lightly because I'm not sure, but something like this is what I would like for that little ball of joy that's having me sleep/not sleep, feel ill, and general uncomfortable.... I think I am partial to the Cherrywood finish (fireside) It's a Concord brand Rosilia model. This crib will convert to a toddler bed eliminating the need to purchase another bed in a couple of years and then to a double bed,which could either be for a guest bedroom or the child's - depending on him or her I guess. Its all about spending wisely and less in the long run! Even if its a little bit more in the beginning! Right! Right! Someone please tell me I'm right..... So your all welcome to give your opinion in the comments! I have located it in two different stores, I will keep an eye out for sales and buy it at the the best price I can find.

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