Wednesday, February 28, 2007


We went for a checkup today. Baby's heartbeat is good, all is well health wise. We saw his little ears. Large baby - at least 8 lbs, probably 10ish. Tammy is scheduled for induction on 6th of March, unless things progress on their own before then.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Recent purchases

From Auntie Vicki's and Uncle Jamie's money we got a bottle sterilizer and a couple of bottles/nipples and some other things. Thanks! Tammy is going out to get a breast pump today I think. We've selected the Avent system for all of that. It's supposed to be very good, all works together, and is supposed to be more natural so that switching between breast and bottle will be easier. We'll see.


As you would expect, my mind has been on parenting for the past while. It's an odd feeling. I've always liked kids, but never really truly expected to have one. I find my thoughts returning to when I was a child (a very curious child I might add), and thinking about all the things I learned, and all of the questions I had.

I remember particularly my father and mother teaching me about the colour of the sky, the moon, stars and planets, about geography, mountians, oceans, rivers. What's below the dirt on the ground anyway? What's below the ocean, and above the sky? Why can't you make your own money from paper, and why does it not grow on trees? About law and society. About different people and places. Why can't you send my Chili to the starving children in Africa, I'm sure they would appreciate it alot more than me. About professions. About responsibility.

So much to learn, and so little time really.

My father and mother were 10 years younger than I am now. I don't feel 10 years wiser for my age though. I hope my son will not be able to tell.


The due date, February 24th, has come and gone. I guess they're right about first time pregnancies, they do tend to be late. So, we're in the waiting game.

To tell the truth, the time thus far has gone rather fast. There was all the preparation, and thinking, and the hoping, and the worrying and learning and reading. Now, most of that is past. The baby has come this far with no issues. We've got all the stuff. We're ready. Well, as ready as we're going to be anyways.

So, we wait...

and we wait....

Sunday, February 11, 2007

The preparations continue

We have a new mobile, lots of scary floating bears. Tammy took on a closet organization project, and it's looking good. There's a picture of the new dresser, which is being filled with all of the baby clothes and changing things. And finally, a picture of the baby swing, complete with our "practice baby".

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Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Another picture taken

Well, I am at #8 the doctor wanted another picture of me.... To confirm I am still head down. I am.... She also ordered my Mommy to go home take some acetaminophen and rest as mom's getting something.... Mom was hoping the headache and nausea were the prelude to my arrival.... No luck just some bug....

Mom came home with a picture for Dad. It's a picture of my hair, I have hair, and lots of it. Poor Dad, he loves to see my pictures, but this was a surprise ultrasound.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Another Monday Morning

Hey, I'm still rather comfortable.....don't think I will bother venturing anywhere today..... Its very cold out you know... I can hear in here and it feels like minus 34 outside.... no way, staying put...Mom's been asking me to come early. She finds it hard to do anything even just being up for anylenth of time wipes her out... Sorry mom, its just so darn comfortable in here.... 20 days I promise well maybe 30 you know what its like, getting a few extra days in a place you like. And I know I can get those 10 extra......So don't try and fool me and tell me I have to come! I know my rights. Well must get going, got some growing to do.

Will be here soon so soon! Is my room ready yet mom, is it? You only have 20 days! 20 days mom! Dad looking forward to spending sometime with you I'm glad you can take some time from work!


Friday, February 02, 2007

Baby update

Good morning! I tried to to write something yesterday but the website would not let me. We did not do to much yesterday. Mom washed clothes all day long, blankets, towels, my clothes.... There are absolutely no items left......Well.....

Mom and I had some beans and wieners yesterday all from one source.... It was interesting... Beans in tomato sauce is actually good!

I now have a a sound and light thing for my crib, a friend of mommy's lent it to her as well gave her a few other things that will be handy for when I make my arrival to the world. Mom thinks its going to be soon, she thinks I have done one of two things last night dropped or totally flipped around. I was very active last night.... Dad was even surprised, especially when I kicked him!
I want daddy to take me to the Winterlude festival today, before I cant go anylonger.

I don't have to much more today other then I will soon see my family for the first time... Cant wait to see my aunts, uncles and grandparents... And the furry one, oh I cant wait to see him.... Mom's all sad right now as Nova went to visit Star up in Barrie for 4 weeks.