Saturday, October 28, 2006
General health and activity update
All is well.
There was some worry earlier this past week when we thought there might be signs of preeclampsia, a potentially very serious condition. No worries, all is fine. The tests have come back fine, the blood pressure is good.
My boy is starting to kick. We went out for dinner this evening, and he started kicking Tammy just as we'd finished the appetizer. Must have been good stuff. She'd felt "butterflies" and little wiggles over the past little while, but this was like a knock on the door. I guess she'll start to feel him more frequently from now on.
Monday, October 16, 2006
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
It's a boy

We received confirmation of Tammy's belief that baby is indeed a boy today. Lots of measurements were taken during the test, and all appears good, with a healthy size and aprox 140 bbm heartbeat. We didn't get the 3D imaging or video done as we'd hoped, because we have to return for another ultrasound later to check some of the bits that he didn't let us see today. In the first image you can see baby's head clearly as the round portion to the right, and the body (and some arm possibly) to the left.

I'm out now
Ha ha! I tried to tell you mommy in your dreams who I will be! I know you did not believe them totally until you saw my picture today! But trust me Mom you knew (plus you had a 50/50 chance) I am Mr Baby for all you out there, I am a boy! My dog (aka the furry one) is just waiting for me! A boy and his dog, Nova will be my buddy. I can't wait to go for walks with him in the park! NO pink car seats for me :) Although pink looks good on some guys! ;) Mom that does not mean frilly dresses and blankets! Mom and Dad are not sure what to name me, they were more decided on girls names, and they though it was a boy - now why would they do that! I had pictures of me taken all over, the only one thing that they could not get a picture of is my heart. My heart was beating at a very normal and healthy rate, however the lady was not able to see all the chambers of it. So I have to go in for more pictures now...... In Three weeks November 3rd I have more pics taken, hopefully then they will be able to see it all. November 15th I have my next appointment to see the doctor...... I will be 6 months then! Wow I will almost be ready to arrive - well not that soon! Well must get going! Maybe I should go wake daddy up tell him I want to play catch! Or learn to golf! Or play hockey...... Or get him to read me a book.
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Half way there
I am starting the journey down the back 20 :) Half way there, next week we may find out if its a little boy or a little girl. All info that we have been reading says to talk sing and play music for our little one as he/she can hear us.... The child will definitely have a diverse music taste Bach and 50cent haha..... Its first words may be Nova No your not chasing that squirrel, Nova Don't pull me, good boy nova :)
I took nova to the park for a run yesterday morning before we went out for breakfast, which was so very nice to see Steve's Aunt and Uncle!
My belly is starting to push up, and I am finding it hard to get off the futon! I did not think that would happen, as I always carried around extra weight. Getting out of the car is not fun anymore either! I roll out :( For that matter getting into the car is not the most eloquent thing I do now either. Surprisingly at only 20 weeks I find stairs sometimes weird as it enhances the feeling that I am supporting a huge water balloon... Not sure how you could experience this one? Its just so very wired! VERY. I would like to start getting our baby's room ready, however I have a huge problem..... We have not sold our house yet.
My mom will be coming up the end of Feb to see the new little one! :) the first grandchild for the second time (hehehe) the real first one is all grown up and about to graduate from bootcamp. We are proud of you Amanda Jayne! Can't wait to see you! I probably wont be able to go to your graduation, but I sure wish I could!
Steve's Mom Dad and Sister are coming up to see the new baby too, just not sure of the date for their arrival, well we will see them at Christmas for sure!
Well I will be going now, I think I will get some breakfast and then a bath. Steve is still asleep and Nova's gone back to sleep as we were out this morning in the cold fresh air and had his business taken care of.... Poor Nova, he does not know what he is in for! :) He will be a good Doggie to the baby, some kid gave him a big hug face to snout with a big squeeze freeaked the mother out, happen to quick for me to react.... But the main thing is. He did not do a thing, kid was lucky it was Nova he gave the hug to.... Many dogs would not have taken kindly to a stranger doing that to him. But nova's a cool dude, and just rolled with it. I love him so much, I think he was born to be ours!
Monday, October 02, 2006
Baby heartbeat recording
We bought a baby microphone. It's still kinda early to be able to hear things clearly, but with patience we think we've been able to capture the sound of the heartbeat. It's faint, and not a studio quality recording... it actually sounds much much clearer in the provided headphones. I've increased the volume quite a bit to allow it to be heard, but you might want to turn your speakers up a bit. There are a couple of distortions (sharp crackles)... the heartbeat noise is much much fainter in the background.
According to the instructions, we're not really supposed to be able to hear it yet. As time goes on and the baby grows I hope the sounds will become clearer, and we should be able to distinguish kicks and hiccups and such... but that will have to wait.
For comparison, here's my hearbeat recorded with the same device.
UPDATE (Oct 3): I have a feeling the the baby heartbeat above is actually Tammy's. Apparently it's possible to pickup the mothers heartbeat on these devices from the placenta. Not sure... again, it's early... we'll try again and see if we can get better results.
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Baby Anthony
Baby Anthony
Hello everyone, it has been sometime... I have been busy helping mom cook and clean and generally making her to tired to do the above! She's getting all thoes pains that will allow me to enter the dry world! Right now I'm doing cartwheels in here just swimming around.... She can feel me cause she talks to me! She woke me up this morning so I kicked her and elbowed her and even a head butt or two! :) That willl teach her for waking me up! I am about to start growing like mad! We go for pics on Oct 11th, mom's getting excited about that. She was at the doctors last week and heard my heart go. Dad bought a really good heart beat hearing device that should start to work in a week or two!
Mom and Dad were out shopping today while strangers were looking at our house.... Mom found a sale! A SALE at babysrus again :)
Sale sale sale mom loves sales! Well should go, dad's made a yummy supper for us.....