It's late/early - 2:30 am. Kevin had a fussy evening last night, he kinda didn't get to sleep, and we missed a cycle... and he was ready to eat again before he'd been really actually put down -- though I'm sure he managed to catch a few winks. He was cranky. Anyways, we managed to feed him, and comfort him, and burp and change him, and get him to bed in his crib for the first time.
I'm sure there's much worst to come with regard to fussyness, but it's remarkable in that it's really the first time we've had any trouble at all. He's fairly easily contented. But I guess his schedule got messed... and who isn't displeased when that happens.

Site note: I've changed the pregnancy counter at the top of the blog to be a clock of his age as he moves towards his first birthday. I've also added some links in the sidebar that go directly to the
photos (updated frequently, but they're all found in the same place) and to the
videos (but I'm having some trouble with youtube this morning, so it may not work right away). This way, you will not have to always find the posting with a link to the
photo or
video sites, it is always on the side.
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