Sunday, December 31, 2006
Mommy status and preparations

We have some new hospital clothes and things ready to pack in preparation for the trip to the hospital. We're really getting ready for the bid day.

New baby things

Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Baby Anthony
Its been a long long time, I have not been able to say hello as mommy's been busy and tired... Mainly because of me... I am super big, making mom super tired, or at least feel like she is further along than she is....Mom wanted to have this posted though.... She wanted to make sure that everyone knew how happy she was for all the lovely things that have been given to us for l'tle ol me....Nanny and poppy brought lots of clothes and things from Newfoundland friends and family, details will follow. My aunt Sharon arrived with my quarters for the next 18 years and clothes too! I have the most beautiful crib from mom's family! Again details and pictures to follow. I also hear that nanny and poppy are going to get me the coolest stroller ever so I will be in stile and comfortable while the furry one and I go for walks with mom! I think I will let mom try and sleep now as she has to work tomorrow, I made her nap earlier and the FURRy one one woke her up...... I am going to have to talk to him when I get out. Not to mention I think he is trying to secure the favorite grandson spot with my grandfather, they are always out walking with each other...... Just you wait Nova, I am on the way
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Baby Kicks
Finally, after days and days of effort I've felt baby kick. It was a good strong one. He's been awake consistently in the evenings, so tonight when he was moving about I tried. I could feel a little rumbling, and something kinda harder than the rest on Tam's tummy. When I touched the hard bit, we got a big kick, enough to visibly move my hand.
Yea. Now I'm quite pleased.
Friday, December 01, 2006
Baby movements
Although Mommy has a cold, baby is quite active. Tammy said she could actually see her tummy move yesterday when baby was kicking, or flipping around. I have yet to feel the little guy, despite many efforts. He's active one minute, but when I come to see he gets quiet and goes for a nap. Oh well.
In general, all is well. We're getting freezing rain and snow today, which Nova is enjoying, but not the rest of us.